"Give justice to the weak and the orphan; maintain the right of the lowly and destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
Psalm 82

All of us deeply desire to see relationships restored, bodies healed, and justice enacted here on earth. The period before Easter is a sacred space to experience this together.

We want to journey with you this Lent season. Take a look at our special prayer calendar, and sign up for one of the service opportunities below to show active love to our neighbors!

Easter is coming!

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Learn & Serve

Lent isn't just about personal confession or lament. It's also an invitation to respond to show a dark world the hope that is ours through Christ. We’re offering opportunities to engage with our affiliate partners as they care for the underserved neighbors in our city. Sign up to serve with us here.

COMPLETED- Parenting Seminar Support, Logan Heights

Date: Tuesday, March 11th

Time: 8-8:30am

Location: King Chavez Academies, Logan Heights

# of Volunteers:

Age Limit: None, but 12+ recommended 

Experience a morning parenting seminar with Alma Community Care! Volunteers can sign up to bring food or to set up/clean up. The set up for the event starts at 8am and the parenting seminar starts at 8:30am. You can stay for the seminar, which ends at 10:30am.

FULL- Clothing Drive, County Wide


Drop off deadline: Friday, March 28th

Clothing Sort: Saturday, March 29th (Covenant Church only)

Time: 9am-12pm


Clothing sort: Covenant Church, North Park

# of Volunteers: 15-20

Age limit: None

Donations of men and children (newborn-teen) open to all participants. 

Clothing sort for Covenant Church members. 

Prepare Meals, Vista

Date: Sunday, March 30th

Time: 5-6pm

Location: Vista, Solutions for Change

# of Volunteers: 5

Age limit: None

Prepare a meal for families who have recently left homelessness and are newly joining the Solutions community. 

Bike Day, City Heights

Date: Saturday, April 12th

Time: 10am-3pm

Location: City Heights

# of Volunteers: 20

Age limit: None

Help with grilling and serving food, and running the cotton candy and craft booths. This is a great opportunity for families and community groups to serve together!

Easter Outreach, Downtown

Date: Saturday, April 12th

Time: 10am-2pm

Location: Downtown location, 120 Elm St.

# of Volunteers: 8

Age limit: 15+

San Diego Rescue Mission needs help running the shower trailer at the beginning of the event. This includes set up, handing out towels, hygiene, clothes, cleaning showers between, talking/praying with guests, and break down.

*Volunteers with medical background invited to help at medical booth!*

Why Lent?

Lent is a special time of personal repentance. But in our western evangelical culture, we’ve lost the practice of community-wide lament. We forget to cry out to God on behalf of the poor, the oppressed and forsaken. Lent invites us into faithful prayer, community-wide repentance, and charitable action.

Lament allows us to (momentarily) step into solidarity with the financially poor. Lent is traditionally centered on fasting. By stepping into this spiritual practice, we acknowledge that not everyone in our city has access to food. Naming specific injustices in this way aligns us to the heart of God.

Lament is not a failure of faith, but an act of faith. We cry out directly to God because deep down we know that our relationship with God counts. It counts to us and it counts to God.

Lent is a communal experience. When we observe Lent in our bodies through prayer and service, we are stepping into hundreds of years of diverse Christian tradition. It isn’t just about giving up personal distractions. It is a time for collective, community-wide lament over injustice.

Ash Wednesday Gathering

You won’t want to miss this special Ash Wednesday gathering hosted by us, in collaboration with churches and local non profits! 

Ash Wednesday offers us an opportunity to unite in common grief over our failure to love, especially those on the underside of our city. Together, we’ll walk through a series of movements to help us lament injustices (both personal and city-wide), while also worshipping to spark our imaginations for future hope.

All are welcome — this is a gathering, not a church-specific service. No reservations needed. 

Childcare will be available for kids ages 5 and under; please arrive early to check in! Activity packs will be available for older kids.

📍First Presbyterian Church

🗓 Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30p

Free parking is available at the San Diego Rescue Mission’s lot located on First Street just North of Elm. It’s about three blocks to walk to First Presbyterian Church’s entrance on Date Street.

We need your help to make this event happen! We’re looking for four parking volunteers to arrive at 5:45 and four greeters to arrive at 6:00. Sign up below ⬇️

Prayer Calendar

Refer to this as you intercede for our neighbors during the 40 days of Lent

Comfort and Joy Shop